Telescope: Astro-Tech RC8 @ f/8, Orion Atlas EQ-G
Camera: Canon EOS Ra, Baader Mk III MPCC
Filter: Highpoint Scientific IR Filter
Exposure: 64×1/250 sec, ISO 3200, saved as RAW
Seeing: Poor, 2/5
White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic
Software: Backyard EOS, Nebulosity, Registax, Photoshop
I stepped outside this morning to begin the process of covering my gear after a long night of imaging and found the moon peeking through a gap in the bush next to my scope, so I grabbed a quick set of images to close-out the first full night of testing my new camera. Unfortunately, the sky is veiled with smoke from wild fires burning in British Columbia, but it was still a very pretty sight.
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