January 18, 2025

Archives for August 1, 2021

Waning Crescent Moon – 8/1/2021 5:10am EDT

Waning Crescent Moon – 8/1/2021 5:10am EDT

Telescope: Astro-Tech RC8 @ f/8, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: Canon EOS Ra, Baader Mk III MPCC

Filter: Orion Imaging Skyglow Filter

Exposure: 64×1/250 sec, ISO 800, saved as RAW

Seeing: Fair, 3/5

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Backyard EOS, Autostakkert, Registax, Nebulosity, Photoshop

This was a quick peek at the moon taken right before covering my gear after a long night of imaging. The setting sun is catching the western face of The Straight Wall and casting long shadows across the floor of Plato.