Telescope: Meade Mak 7 @ f/30, Orion Atlas EQ-G
Camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro, 0C, 2” GSO 2x ED Barlow
Filter: Highpoint Scientific IR cut filter
Seeing: fair, 3/5
Exposure 1: 5min x 250ms, gain 300, saved as SER
Exposure 2: 5min x 100ms, gain 400, saved as SER
White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic
Software: SharpCap Pro, AutoStakkert, Registax, Nebulosity, Photoshop
This is an average of two quick sequences that I grabbed of Saturn before it reached the meridian. In part, I wanted to compare using longer exposures using lower gain versus sorter exposures and higher gain. I just so happens that these two sets were very similar, so I averaged them into a single image. I am very happy with the results and I’m looking forward to trying this again using a camera with slightly smaller pixels (an ASI462MC with 2.9um pixels). If you look really closely you can glimpse Rhea to the lower left of Saturn and Tethys to the upper right.
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