January 29, 2025

Jupiter – 12/20/2022 18h27m EST

Jupiter – 12/20/2022 18h27m EST

Telescope: Celestron C11 @ f/25, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: ZWO ASI462MC, 2.5x Powermate

Filter: Meade IR cut filter

Seeing: fair, 3-4/5

Exposure 1x(3min x 10ms, 25%), gain 300, saved as Raw8/SER

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: SharpCap Pro, AutoStakkert, Registax, Nebulosity, Photoshop

While setting up to image Mars I has just enough time to grab one quick image set of Jupiter. Since I am pretty much limited to imaging on the east side of the meridian this may be my last chance to photograph Jupiter this season. Not a bad way to finish!