January 19, 2025

Venus in Daylight – 12/26/2021 4:00pm EST

Venus in Daylight – 12/26/2021 4:00pm EST

Telescope: LXD75 SC8 @ f/10, Twilight I mount

Camera: Stock Canon 600D, remote switch

Filter: GSO IR Blocking Filter

Exposure: 40×1/3000sec, ISO 400, saved as RAW

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Autostakkert, Nebulosity, Photoshop

I wanted to try and catch Venus before we lost it to the sun’s glare and with the weather forecast looking bleak for the next week I decided to take a peek with my SC8 while I had it out from earlier today observing the moon in daylight. Venus was easy to locate by setting my telescope’s altitude using an inclinometer and sweeping east of the sun. In my finder Venus quickly appeared as a tiny crescent, and through the scope it looked beautiful, being less than 6% illuminated and only about 27 million miles away and about to pass between the Earth and the sun. I replaced my star diagonal with my stock 600D, centered and focused Venus using live view, and took a several series of images, pausing to reset the field between sets. The source images were centered and cropped in Photoshop, stacked in Autostakkert, binned 2×2 in Nebulosity, and finished back in Photoshop.

Venus in currently very low in the southwest at dusk.