January 18, 2025

Archives for July 2023

Waxing Gibbous Moon – 9:20pm 7/29/2023 EDT

Telescope: Unitron 510 5” f/16

Camera: Canon EOS Ra

Filter: 2” GSO IR Cut Filter

Exposure: 64×1/500sec, ISO 1600, saved as RAW

Seeing: Fair, 3/5

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Backyard EOS, Autostakkert, Registax, Nebulosity, Photoshop

This is quick image of the waxing gibbous moon taken last night during dusk. This is one of a series of test images that I and taking to explore the imaging characteristics of the Unitron 510. One nice feature of these long focal length refractors is that they give an excellent well corrected field with little chromatic aberation. (Photo credit: John Graham, 7/29/2023)