March 11, 2025

M46 – Open Cluster in Puppis

M46 – Open Cluster in Puppis – LX850 12” f/8 ACF

Telescope: Meade 12” LX850 ACF @ f/8, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: ZWO ASI071 MC Pro, -10C, Gain 200

Filter: Orion Imaging Skyglow Filter

Guide scope: Astro-Tech 60mm, ASI290MM Mini, PHD2

Exposure: 44x120sec, saved as FITS

Darks: 32x120s, saved as FITS

Flats: 32x1sec, Tee shirt flats taken at dawn

Average Light Pollution: Bortle 8, very poor transparency, haze, moonlight

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 17.5 mag/arc-sec^2

Stacking: Mean with a 2-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Nebulosity, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop

M46 is one of several relatively bright open clusters that grace the evening sky in winter. This particular cluster also sports a beautiful little planetary nebula (NGC 2438) in the foreground. This little nebula looks quite stunning in a modest size telescope with the rich open cluster in the background.

This image was a complete surprise. The evening was pretty rough with a thin veil of haze and bright moonlight and my primary goal was to continue a set of shake-down tests on this new scope. This was one of two images that I took to check out the stability of the optical train a low altitudes and it performed very well. Getting a fairly nice image was a bonus. I was particularly interested in getting a good look at the little planetary nebula. I’m pretty happy with how this turned out, but I’d still like to try this again when it is actually clear.

M46 is currently fairly well placed rising in the southeast around 8:30 local time.

Waxing Gibbous Moon – 12/26/2020

Waxing Gibbous Moon – 12/26/2020, 21h30m EST

Telescope: Meade 12” LX850 ACF @ f/8, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: ZWO ASI071 MC Pro, -10C, Gain 200

Filter: Orion Imaging Skyglow Filter

Exposure: 2x(64×0.002sec), saved as FITS

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Registax, Nebulosity, ICE, Photoshop

This 2-panel mosaic of the moon image was taken last night (December 26th) when the moon was just about as high as it was going to get.

M109 – Barred Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major

M109 – Barred Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major

Telescope: Meade 12” LX850 ACF @ f/8, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: ZWO ASI071 MC Pro, -10C, Gain 200

Filter: Orion Imaging Skyglow Filter

Guide scope: Astro-Tech 60mm, ASI290MM Mini, PHD2

Exposure: 11x240sec, saved as FITS

Darks: 32x240s, saved as FITS

Flats: 32x1sec, Tee shirt flats taken at dawn

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, Bortle 8, poor transparency

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 18.5 mag/arc-sec^2

Stacking: Mean with a 2-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Nebulosity, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop

This is M109, a beautiful little spiral galaxy in Ursa Major located very near the bowl of the Big Dipper. M109 is an example of a barred galaxy, named for the bar of stars that pass through the galaxy’s core from upper left to lower right. Our own Milky Way galaxy is also believed to be a barred spiral much like M109. If you look closely you can also see two satellite galaxies of M109; UGC 6969 to the left and UGC 6940 near the bottom of this field.

Waxing Gibbous Moon – 12/22/2020

Waxing Gibbous Moon – 12/22/2020, 19h20m EST

Telescope: Orion AstroView 90 EQ @ f/10

Camera: Canon 450D (Rebel XSi, stock)

Filter: None

Exposure: 11×1/500sec, ISO 400 saved as RAW

Software: Registax, Nebulosity, Photoshop

This image was taken on the evening of December 22nd, about 24 hours after first quarter. The source images were taken by first setting the focus on Vega using a Bahtinov mask and then swinging over to the moon take a few test shots to check the exposure, using the camera’s histogram function to make sure that the image was not over-exposed. I then framed the field so that the moon would drift across the center of the field as I took a series of pictures. Using a remote switch and the camera’s mirror lock-up function I paused about 5 seconds between each frame to allow vibrations to settle. I took two sets of images of about 5 frames each, resetting the field between each set. The source images were then converted to TIFFs, roughly aligned and cropped in Photoshop, and then stacked and sharpened in Registax. Using Photoshop I rotated and framed the moon and then separated the image into its separate red, green, and blue colors. Since the AV90 is a Fraunhofer doublet it is optimized for green with the red being slightly blurred and the blue being relatively soft. I took the green data as the luminance channel and layered the color data back on top of it to preserve both the sharpness and color of the original image. This was flattened and saved as the final image. It sounds like a lot of work, but quick’n easy once you get the hang of it; maybe 20 minutes from start to finish.

Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction – 12/22/2020

Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction – 12/22/2020, 17h43m EST

Telescope: Orion AstroView 90 EQ @ f/10

Camera: Canon 450D (Rebel XSi, stock)

Filter: None

Planets: 16×1/100sec, ISO 400 saved as RAW

Moons: 16×1/25sec, ISO 400 saved as RAW

Darks: Internal (Long Exposure Noise Reduction On)

Software: Registax, Nebulosity, Photoshop

This image was taken on the evening of December 22nd, about 24 hours after the closest approach of Jupiter and Saturn while they were about 1/5th of a degree apart. The source images were taken by first setting the focus on Vega using a Bahtinov mask. Next, the images of the conjunction were taken using a remote switch and the camera’s mirror lock-up function, pausing about 5 seconds to allow vibrations to settle. Two sets of 8 images each were taken with the field being reset between each set. The source images with then converted to TIFFs, roughly aligned and cropped in Photoshop, and then aligned and sharpened in Registax. Photoshop was used to combine the images of the planets with the images of the moons. The final composite image was cropped, scaled, and color balanced in Nebulosity. It was worth the effort getting a picture, but nothing beats how beautiful the real thing was! Before the pair sank below my local trees I was sure to pull the camera off of the scope and to spend a few minutes just enjoying the view. Wonderful!

Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction – Closest Approach!

Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction – 12/21/2020, 18h03m EST

Camera: Canon 450D (Rebel XSi)

Lens: Canon EF 75-300 @ 135mm f/5.6

Filter: Sunpak UV/IR

Exposure: 1x2sec, ISO 400 saved as RAW

Darks: Internal (Long Exposure Noise Reduction On)

Software: Nebulosity, Photoshop

Wellll, we got lucky! The clouds parted just long enough to sneak a peek at the Grand Conjunction! I grabbed my camera and ran over to a local park and managed to grab a couple of quick frames before the clouds rolled in. I just used my Canon 450D on a tripod and a 2-second delay to allow vibrations to settle before the shutter tripped. If you look closely you can see a couple of Jupiter’s moons.  Their separation at this time was 0.1 degrees! Closest approach! Over the next couple of nights the view will be very similar as Jupiter slowly slips off to the upper left. Wonderful!

Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction

Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction – 12/20/2020, 18h23m EST

Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction – 12/20/2020, 18h23m EST

Camera: Canon 450D (Rebel XSi)

Lens: Canon EF 75-300 @ 150mm f/5.6

Filter: Sunpak UV/IR

Exposure: 1x2sec, ISO 400 saved as RAW

Darks: Internal (Long Exposure Noise Reduction On)

Software: Nebulosity, Photoshop

This is just a quick single frame of the Grand Conjunction taken about 24 hours before closest approach. Their separation at this time was 0.13 degrees (1/8th degree). I just used my Canon 450D on a tripod and a 2-second delay to allow vibrations to settle before the shutter tripped. If you look closely you can see a couple of Jupiter’s moons.  Over the next couple of nights the view will be very similar as Jupiter slowly slips off to the upper left.

M81 – Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major

M81 – Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major

Telescope: Meade 12” LX850 ACF @ f/8, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: ZWO ASI071 MC Pro, -10C, Gain 200

Filter: Orion Imaging Skyglow Filter

Guide scope: Astro-Tech 60mm, ASI290MM Mini, PHD2

Exposure: 21x240sec, saved as FITS

Darks: 32x240s, saved as FITS

Flats: 32x1sec, Tee shirt flats taken at dawn

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, Bortle 8, poor transparency

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 18.4 mag/arc-sec^2

Stacking: Mean with a 2-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Nebulosity, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop

I was a bit surprised at how well this turned out. The sky conditions were very poor with a fair amount of haze and very poor seeing. The result was a soft image with very low contrast. Processing recovered more detail than I thought it would and down-sampling the image helped to sharpen it a bit. Not a bad result, though I’m looking forward to trying this again under better conditions. So much to try, so few clear nights…

M81 is a beautiful spiral galaxy that is interacting with the nearby M82. The sky conditions for imaging this delicate galaxy were far from optimal, but it is still neat to see the beautiful sweeping arms tinged with blue star forming regions resulting from a close encounter with M82.

Eris – Trans-Neptunian Object

Eris – Trans-Neptunian Object – 11/8 & 9/2020 22h30m EST – Animated GIF
Still Frame showing the location of Eris

Telescope: Astro-Tech 8” f/8 Ritchey-Chretien, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: ZWO ASI071MC Pro, -10C, Gain 200, Baader Mk III MPCC

Filter: Orion Imaging Skyglow Filter

Guide scope: Astro-Tech 60mm, Meade DSI Pro II, PHD

Exposure: 7x240s (11/8) & 11x240s (11/9), saved as FITS

Darks: 32x240s, saved as FITS

Flats: 32×0.2s, sky flats taken at dusk

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, Bortle 8, fair transparency

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 18.5 mag/arc-sec^2

Stacking: Mean with a 2-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Nebulosity, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop

I have wanted to try this for a long time and I have been waiting for a pair of nights with perfect transparency to give it a try. However, my window of opportunity is closing for this year so I decided to go ahead and give it a try, and much to my surprise… success! This is a composite of two images taken 24 sours apart at about 10:30pm EST on the evenings of Novermber 8th and 9th in Cetus. The tiny smudges near the center of this field are the dwarf planet Eris, one of the most distant objects in the solar system. Eris is currently 8.8 billion miles from the Sun, almost 3 times farther than Pluto. It takes sunlight over 13 hours to reach Eris, and another 13 hours for the feeble reflected sunlight to make the trip back to Earth. Eris is about the same size as Pluto and with a more reflective surface it is so cold out there that the surface is likely coated with frozen methane, but unlike Pluto the sunlight is so faint that it is unlikely that the surface has been darkened by the formation of tholins. Shining at an incredibly faint Mv 18.8 this is the faintest object that I have been able to photograph and identify from my backyard

NGC 2371/2 – Planetary Nebula in Gemini

NGC 2371/2 – Planetary Nebula in Gemini

Telescope: Meade 12” LX850 ACF @ f/8, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: ZWO ASI071 MC Pro, -10C, Gain 200

Filter: Orion Imaging Skyglow Filter

Guide scope: Astro-Tech 60mm, ASI290MM Mini, PHD2

Exposure: 22x240sec, saved as FITS

Darks: 32x240s, saved as FITS

Flats: 32x1sec, Tee shirt flats taken at dawn

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, Bortle 8, fair transparency

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 18.6 mag/arc-sec^2

Stacking: Mean with a 2-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Nebulosity, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop

NGC 2371/2 is a fascinating little planetary nebula in northern Gemini placed midway between Castor and Pollux. When this nebula was discovered it was thought that it was actually two separate objects, hence the two New General Catalog (NGC) numbers. The core nebula shows two clearly resolved lobes with two faint outer arcs. The seeing was pretty rough when this image set was taken so I down-sampled it a bit to keep it from looking too soft. I’ll be taking another look at this nebula on an evening with better seeing.