March 14, 2025

M103 – Open Cluster in Cassiopeia

M103 – Open Cluster in Cassiopeia

Telescope: GSO 8” f/12 Classical Cassegrain @ f/12, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: Canon EOS Ra, Baader Mk III MPCC

Filter: GSO IR Blocking Filter

Guide scope: Williams Optics 50mm, ASI290MM mini, PHD

Exposure: 21x60sec, ISO 800, saved as RAW

Darks: Internal (Long Exposure Noise Reduction On)

Flats: 32×1/25sec, Tee shirt flats taken at dusk

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, Bortle 8, fair transparency

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 18.4 mag/arc-sec^2

Stacking: Mean with a 1-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Backyard EOS, Deep Sky Stacker, Nebulosity, Photoshop

M103 is one of several open clusters in Cassiopeia. It is small, rather sparse, and was once thought to be an asterism rather than a true cluster, but it has since been shown to be a distant open cluster. Located just 1.5 degrees northeast of delta Cassiopeia it is easy to find and makes a nice target for small telescopes.

M103 is currently in the northwest during the early evening.

M42 & 43 – SN10, Nikon D810 First Light

M42/43 and The Sword of Orion – SN10, Nikon D810 First Light

Telescope: Meade SN10 at f/4, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: Full Spectrum Modified Nikon D810

Filter: GSO IR Blocking Filter

Guide scope: Williams Optics 50mm, ASI290MM mini, PHD

Exposure: 65x10sec, ISO 200, saved as RAW

Darks: None

Flats: 32×1/50sec, tee shirt flats taken at dusk

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, poor transparency

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 18.1 mag/arc-sec^2

Stacking: Mean with a 1-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Backyard Nikon, Nebulosity, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop

This is the first-light image taken with my new-to-me full spectrum modified Nikon D810. I had the usual first night out surprises that were quickly dealt with and I had just a few minutes to catch M42 before it reached the meridian, but I couldn’t resist using it as my first-light target. (I am limited to imaging on the east side of the meridian, so I gotta be quick to catch some targets in the early evening.) This turned out to be an incredibly fast system and exposures longer than 10 seconds would saturate the core and at 20 seconds and I was imaging skyglow. Also, the version of Backyard Nikon that I am running doesn’t support the LENR of the D810, so I was clicking off frames pretty quickly. This turned out to be the first target of 17 that I would visit before dawn with well over a thousand subs. I quickly processed this set to take a peek at how well it worked and I was very happy with the result given the poor transparency. We’ll see how the rest turned out!

This field shows the Great Nebula bracketed by NGC 1977 to the north and NGC 1980 to the south, forming the Sword of Orion. This is a wonderful region to explore with binoculars or a small telescope. Visually the nebula shows a soft gray and displays a wealth of fine detail. This is also a very rewarding region to photograph and even short exposures show a range of beautiful colors. The red of the Great Nebula is the emission of hydrogen set aglow by hot young stars within the nebula while the smoky blue/gray of M42 and the soft blue of NGC 1977 is starlight reflecting off of interstellar dust. The dark lanes are veils of dust in the foreground.

The Sword of Orion is currently well placed in the south as the sky darkens.

M3 – Globular Cluster Canes Venatici

M3 – Globular Cluster Canes Venatici

Telescope: Meade SN10 at f/4, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: Canon EOS Ra

Filter: GSO IR Blocking Filter

Guide scope: Williams Optics 50mm, ASI290MM mini, PHD

Exposure: 115x20sec, ISO 800, saved as RAW

Darks: Internal (Long Exposure Noise Reduction On)

Flats: 32×1/60sec, tee shirt flats taken at dusk

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, poor transparency, bright moonlight

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 17.7 mag/arc-sec^2

Stacking: Mean with a 1-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Backyard EOS, Nebulosity, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop

M3 is a beautiful example of a globular cluster in a relatively lonely stretch of sky. The cluster is a member of the galactic halo and spends much of its time orbiting well outside the plane of the galaxy. It is presently 33,000 light years away from us, 40,000 light years from the galactic core, and 33,000 light years ‘above’ the galactic plane. Home to about 500,000 stars, M3 is relatively young as globular clusters go with an estimated age of 8 billion years.

M3 currently rises in the northeast during the late evening.

M51 – The Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici

M51 – The Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici

Telescope: Meade SN10 at f/4, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: Canon EOS Ra

Filter: GSO IR Blocking Filter

Guide scope: Williams Optics 50mm, ASI290MM mini, PHD

Exposure: 145x20sec, ISO 800, saved as RAW

Darks: Internal (Long Exposure Noise Reduction On)

Flats: 32×1/60sec, tee shirt flats taken at dusk

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, poor transparency, bright moonlight

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 18.1 mag/arc-sec^2

Stacking: Mean with a 1-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Backyard EOS, Nebulosity, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop

M51 is a beautiful face-on spiral galaxy in Canes Venatici, just south of Alkaid, the bright star that lies at the eastern end of the Big Dipper. The spiral arm that appears to connect M51 to the nearby companion (NGC 5195) is a bit of an illusion. The companion actually lies behind M51, and if you look closely you can see that the spiral arm is silhouetted against the background galaxy. Modern observations and computer modeling suggest that the companion has made at least two passes through the main disk of M51. During the first, it approached M51 from behind, passed through the face of the galaxy, swung around in an orbit that took it in front, and then back through the disk where it lies now behind M51. These passes set off bursts of star formation that gives the arms of M51 their beautiful blue color.

Under dark skies the spiral structure of M51 shows quite well, but from my light polluted backyard all I can see are the cores of the two galaxies. On this particular evening the conditions were so bad with poor transparency and bright moonlight I ordinarily would not have attempted to image a galaxy, but I needed to get some sleep so I picked a target that I would let me catch a nap. I was surprised at how well it turned out. It’ll be neat to see how well this works when it is actually clear!

M51 currently rises in the northeast during the late evening.

NGC 7662 – The Blue Snowball in Andromeda

NGC 7662 – The Blue Snowball in Andromeda

Telescope: GSO 8” f/12 Classical Cassegrain @ f/12, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: Canon EOS Ra, Baader Mk III MPCC

Filter: GSO IR Blocking Filter

Guide scope: Williams Optics 50mm, ASI290MM mini, PHD

Exposure: 22x60sec, ISO 800, saved as RAW

Darks: Internal (Long Exposure Noise Reduction On)

Flats: 32×1/25sec, Tee shirt flats taken at dusk

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, Bortle 8, poor transparency

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 17.8 mag/arc-sec^2

Stacking: Mean with a 1-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Backyard EOS, Deep Sky Stacker, Nebulosity, Photoshop

NGC 7662 is a remarkable little planetary nebula in Andromeda. Visually, it appears as a beautiful blue spot, easily visible even in my little ETX-60 as an out of focus star. Photographically, it shows a sharply defined shell with a ring circling the central star. The shell also shows hints of fine detail. The central star itself is rather unusual for a planetary in that it is a variable star that ranges from Mv 12 to 16.

This is the first in a series of images taken to test the performance of the CC8 at f/12 with a full-frame camera. This shows some interesting possibilities as a high-resolution imaging system.

The Blue Snowball is presently in the northwest as the sky darkens.

M42/43 and The Sword of Orion

M42/43 and The Sword of Orion

Telescope: Meade SN10 at f/4, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: Canon EOS Ra

Filter: GSO IR Blocking Filter

Guide scope: Williams Optics 50mm, ASI290MM mini, PHD

Exposure: 58x10sec, ISO 800, saved as RAW

Darks: Internal (Long Exposure Noise Reduction On)

Flats: 32×1/60sec, tee shirt flats taken at dusk

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, poor transparency

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 18.2 mag/arc-sec^2

Stacking: Mean with a 1-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Backyard EOS, Nebulosity, Deep Sky Stacker, Photoshop

This field shows the Great Nebula bracketed by NGC 1977 to the north and NGC 1980 to the south, forming the Sword of Orion. This is a wonderful region to explore with binoculars or a small telescope. Visually the nebula shows a soft gray and displays a wealth of fine detail. This is also a very rewarding region to photograph and even short exposures show a range of beautiful colors. The red of the Great Nebula is the emission of hydrogen set aglow by hot young stars within the nebula while the smoky blue/gray of M42 and the soft blue of NGC 1977 is starlight reflecting off of interstellar dust. The dark lanes are veils of dust in the foreground.

This is the first in a series of images taken to evaluate how the SN10 performs with a full-frame camera. It’s not perfect, but not bad either. I forgot how fast the SN10 is, on this particular evening reaching my local skyglow limit in only 20 second and anything longer than 10 seconds saturated the core of M42. Wonderful!

The Sword of Orion is currently well placed in the south as the sky darkens.

NGC 2261 – Hubble’s Variable Nebula in Monoceros

NGC 2261 – Hubble’s Variable Nebula in Monoceros

Telescope: 8” Meade Wide Field LX200GPS @ f/6.3 (Native), altaz mode

Camera: ZWO ASI 294MC, Baader Mk III MPCC

Filter: GSO IR Blocking Filter

Guide scope: None

Exposure: 2,020x1sec, Gain 400, saved as TIFF

Darks: None

Flats: Synthetic

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, Bortle 8, fair transparency, bright moonlight

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 18.2

Stacking: SharpCap Pro, real-time

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: SharpCap Pro, Nebulosity, Photoshop

Hubble’s Variable nebula is a small, bright, fan-shaped reflection nebula in Monoceros (the Unicorn). The bright tip of the nebula is not just a star, but a dense nebula hiding a binary star system at its core (R Mon). Clouds of dust are believed to orbit this system, casting shadows up onto the veil causing the overall brightness of the nebula to vary. Time lapse sequences spanning weeks of time show the shadows sweeping across the veil.

In some ways this is the most remarkable image. I set my gear up to continue testing this system for remote observing using short exposures (0.5-5 seconds) either in live view or live stacking in SharpCap Pro. I had to step away for a while, so I left the system pointing at NGC 2261 with SharpCap Pro live stacking 1 second exposures. When I came back I found that it was happily stacking away passing through 2,000 frames. The image on the screen looked fantastic, so I had it save the screen as-shown as a TIFF, and finished it off in Nebulosity and Photoshop. This is evolving into a very powerful remote observing and imaging system and I’ll probably be using it a lot more in the future.

NGC 2261 is currently well placed in the evening sky rising in the east as the as the sky darkens.

NGC 1245 – Open Cluster in Perseus

NGC 1245 – Open Cluster in Perseus

Telescope: Astro-Tech 8” f/8 Ritchey-Chretien, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: Canon EOS Ra, Baader Mk III MPCC

Filter: GSO IR blocking filter

Guide scope: Astro-Tech 60mm, Starlight Xpress Super Star, PHD2

Exposure: 32x60sec, ISO 800, saved as RAW

Darks: Internal (Long Exposure Noise Reduction On)

Flats: 32×1/2sec, Tee shirt flats taken at dusk

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, Bortle 8, poor transparency

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 18.3

Stacking: Mean with a 1-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Backyard EOS, Deep Sky Stacker, Nebulosity, Photoshop

NGC 1245 is a relatively faint but rich open cluster in central Perseus. It may be a tad faint for small telescopes, but blossoms into a fine patch of stardust in larger telescopes.

NGC 1245 is currently well placed in the evening sky and is high overhead in the as the sky darkens.

Snow Moon – 10:40pm 2/15/2022 EST

Snow Moon – 10:40pm 2/15/2022 EST

Telescope: 8” Meade Wide Field LX200GPS @ f/6.3 (Native), Baader Mk III MPCC

Camera: ZWO ASI 294MC

Filter: GSO IR Blocking Filter

Exposure: 128×0.001sec, Gain 200, saved as TIFF

Seeing: Fair, 3/5

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: SharpCap Pro, Registax, Nebulosity, Photoshop

This image was taken as part of in initial test using a Baader Mk III MPCC with this wide field 8” SCT and the original, uncooled version of the ASI 294MC. I’m configuring this for remote observing, but it is working so well that I’m going to conduct some additional tests to see how well it works for general purpose imaging.

NGC 2392 – The Eskimo Nebula in Gemini

NGC 2392 – The Eskimo Nebula in Gemini

Telescope: Astro-Tech 8” f/8 Ritchey-Chretien, Orion Atlas EQ-G

Camera: Canon EOS Ra, Baader Mk III MPCC

Filter: GSO IR blocking filter

Guide scope: Astro-Tech 60mm, Starlight Xpress Super Star, PHD2

Exposure: 28x60sec, ISO 800, saved as RAW

Darks: Internal (Long Exposure Noise Reduction On)

Flats: 32×1/2sec, Tee shirt flats taken at dusk

Average Light Pollution: Red zone, Bortle 8, poor transparency

Lensed Sky Quality Meter: 18.4

Stacking: Mean with a 1-sigma clip.

White Balance: Nebulosity Automatic

Software: Backyard EOS, Deep Sky Stacker, Nebulosity, Photoshop

NGC 2392, Eskimo Nebula, is a wonderful little planetary nebula Gemini. Visually this nebula looks much like its nickname, even in a small telescope. Planetary nebula are formed when a star sheds its outer shell as it nears the end of its life. The core collapses into a fiercely bright white dwarf whose intense radiation sets the expanding shell of gas aglow, often with a beautiful blue/green color. The structure of NGC 2392 shows that it experienced several shedding events.

The Eskimo Nebula is currently well placed in the east during the early evening and a fairly easy target for small telescopes.